Maya continues to grow and amaze us. She went to the doctor's just before 10 weeks weighing in at 10 lbs, 10 oz and 21 3/4 inches tall. Developmentally, Maya is now very interested in looking at her hands and is beginning to bring them to her mouth when coordination allows. She is making cooing sounds more frequently and enjoys when we make silly faces and funny noises at her.
Maya had her first plane rides, and we were grateful that she slept all the way to and from NY. Gran-E and Grandpa Les threw a Simcha Bat ceremony to introduce Maya to the "Lawn Gisland" community/family and to celebrate Maya's birth. It was truly special and remarkable to have four generations of Goldschmidts' present (oy!) and for Gran-E and Grandpa Les to show off the little girl they kvell over. Throughout the week in NY, Maya had the chance to meet and play with Uncle Craig, her great grandmother, Omi, great aunts and uncles, cousins, and friends. It was quite emotional for all of us when Omi, at 97 years young, got to meet her first great-grandchild; Omi could not take her eyes off of Maya, and Maya could not let go of Omi's finger. It was a very special moment when Omi said, "I love you" to Maya and Maya looked up to her and smiled.
And now...for the long awaited pictures of the cutie pie...
George is only smiling because he is in a photo...he misses his Maya
Under the influence (of Uncle Craig)

Having a cuddle with Grandpa Les

That Grandpa Les is so funny!

Gran-E can't take her eyes off of me

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the cutest girl of all?

Meeting Omi
Having a moment with Omi

Meeting cousin Amy and Aunt Monica (Uncle Harvey, Billy, Michael, and Kim too!)
Talking to the camera