Maya has been keeping our local pharmacy in business. It has been a long month of colds, ear infections, and conjunctivitis. This cold is the gift that keeps on giving as Maya, Mommy, and Daddy are all under the weather. Maya is aware of her loyal blog fans, though has kindly requested that she not be photographed while sick. Despite all of the illnesses, Maya is active, talkative, and happy.
Maya has added new foods to her repertoire including bananas, peas, and apples. She is sitting up for a longer period of time and likes moving toys from one hand to the other. On 6/16, Maya completed a full roll starting from her back! A week later, Maya rolled across the room when Mommy and Daddy took their eyes off of her for just a moment; she was just one more roll away from a rapid "thunk, thunk, thunk" down the stairs. Mommy and Daddy's heart rates have since stabalized and the stairway is now gated as Maya is mobile! She also enjoys jumping in her jumperoo keeping us entertained with her giggles of pleasure. Maya is making more sounds with her lips and tongue. She gets our attention and lets us know her displeasure with babbling and yelling. Maya's current favorite "toys" are the remote and telephone; of course the play ones were not good enough for our little sweetheart, so we had to dedicate electronics for Maya's use only.
Daddy celebrated his first Father's Day. We went to Saba and Savta's house to celebrate with them and Uncle Avinoam. Maya had the chance to show off her new sitting, rolling, and babbling skills providing us all with great entertainment. Mommy and Maya spent their first weekend alone when Daddy went to Seattle for Zadie's unveiling over the July 4th weekend. It was a relaxing weekend filled with long walks, Maya's first time in a pool, and celebrating the 4th with great-aunt Rosie, great-uncle Sherwin, and the cousins.
Enjoy the pictures and videos, and please send wishes of good health our way!
George, can you do this?

If you're happy and you know it clap your hands
Happy Father's Day!

Look Ma, no hands!

Butterfly Maya (thanks Aunt Jessica!)

First time in the pool at Clara and Lucie's house

Rolling over!
Imitating Daddy
"Spit" peas