Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Coming home

Here's the latest installment in Maya's life. On Friday the 12th we brought Maya home from the hospital. She continued to have many visitors and is enjoying her new surroundings.

Don't I have a pretty smile?
My nurse made me a pretty bow
Relaxing at the hospital

This is a comfortable burping position
Mommy's happy we're leaving the hospital

Eskimo kisses
I like to sleep in Daddy's arms
My friend Jessica is taking good care of meMy friend Mark has lots of experience with little girls

Sweet dreams in my car seatThe happy family is all packed up

I hope Daddy put the car seat in correctly
Welcome home!
The whole family togetherStrategically placed hands
Comfortable in Gran E's arms

You can cut the kvell with a knife

My happy place

Me and curious George
Let the growing begin


Bradley's Mom said...

These pictures could NOT be more wonderful!

What a beautiful little girl!!

Love to all of you!

TaniaM said...

hey guys --- she is adorable and you guys look like pros!!! Isn't it scary taking her home, i was freaking out in the car!!! but maybe thats just me... Enjoy they sleep a ton at first..

Steve Shapiro said...

Such a beautiful little girl! I can't wait to meet her!

Keep the great photos coming. Happy Chanukah and have a wonderful New Year. We've got to catch up soon!


P.S. That photos with Curious George is hilarious. Love it!!!