Gran-E, Grandpa Les, Auntie Jthe (Jessica), great-Aunt Monica, and great-Uncle Harvey came from New York to visit Maya for her birthday week. We went to the California Academy of Sciences where Maya visited her first aquarium, rain forest, and penguins!!! Maya absolutely loved the penguin exhibit. She befriended a penguin who played with her for about 30 minutes! The penguin would dive down in the water to Maya's level and then splash upwards; each time Maya would laugh and squeal with delight. Maya had no idea that an audience had developed around her who were just as enamored by her as we are. Maya also got to see butterflies, reptiles, and all sizes of fish; with each, she exclaimed, "Oh Wow!"
We had lots of family time which included reading books, playing with toys, eating, shopping, and playing dress up. The family cheered as Maya pointed to objects and imitated/used new words such as "apo" (apple), and "duh" (all done). She has also been gesturing more by wavng for "hi" and "bye", and signing "more" and "all done". Maya even made up her own sign for balloon while playing with Aunt Monica which looks like her pulling on a string of a balloon. Maya never ceases to amaze us!
There's that Allweiss/Goldschmidt hand again!

Reading all about baby animals

It was so exciting to see Gran-E and Grandpa

Reading a goodnight story to Auntie Jthe

Yeah! Aunt Monica and Uncle Harvey came all the way
from LawnGisland to play!

All dressed up with somewhere to go

Fascinated by the aquarium
Among the fish

Mommy introduced me to a penguin...

I was instantly fascinated....

The penguin made me laugh and squeal with joy...

We had soooo much fun playing together....

People came over just to watch me!