Pulling up to my feet for the first time. Nothing dangerous can happen on the stairs, right?

Thank you Guttel's for my very own farm!
Thank you Guttel's for my very own farm!
Pushing my stroller...where's the baby?
Visiting the firehouse with my daycare friends
Firewoman in training (Daddy may be more excited than me)
Static hair on the slide
Showing off my snazzy sweater and hat
One day I will be as tall as that giraffe
The three Maya's (the bird's name is Maya too)!
Cautious of the opossum
My kitties at home act just like this bobcat
Looking at my favorite animals...penguins
I guess you can call me a bird watcher
Family portrait in Santa Cruz
1 comment:
What wonderful pictures. Does Maya ever cry? She is the smilingest baby I have ever known. And she is at the most delightful age right now.
I wish I could see her again. I'm jealous of your N.Y. family. I know you and they will have a wonderful passover.
I'm going to have a great one, too, with Ima and Abba here. And so will Ima, with no work for the whole yomtov. Like going on a cruise or to a resort, sort of.
They deserve it after working so hard on their trip here to get my condo empty and ready for sale.
Now if ever I could get thru all the boxes and bags I brought here. Most of it is being shredded. But I have to look thru it one last time.
I found a paper you wrote, Akiva. The eulogy for Cyrano. Very clever!
Good luck on your new business, Sharon. An exciting undertaking.
Love Bubbie
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