We are thrilled to introduce you to Maya Josephine Lewis. She is absolutely precious and is settling into her new surroundings. Sharon was the star of the show as she performed heroic feats throughout labor and birth. Mommy, Daddy and Maya are resting well and enjoying getting to know one another. We are staying at Good Samaritan Hospital until Friday and then will take Maya to her permanent home.
Maya's key stats are:
Birth date: December 10, 2008
Time of birth: 1:35 AM
Weight: 6 pounds and 8 ounces
Length: 19.5 inches
So this is what the world looks like...

"I know that voice, it's my Mommy!"

Although I prefer naked, it's a bit warmer in clothes

Doing my best gangster hand signs - West Side!

Mommy and Maya reunited after all the hard work

I can't take my eyes off of Maya

And I can't take my eyes off of Mommy

The true miracle workers. Dr. Kendrick on the left, Julie (our nurse) on the right. Thank you both!

Our first family portrait!
Congratulations you guys! She's gorgeous and we of course love that you're blogging!
Lotsa love, Jen and Jon
This is fantastic! She is just a GORGEOUS baby, and I am SO glad to see your new blog!
I LOVE the family portrait, and she is looking up to her daddy!!
Lots of love to all of you! Welcome Maya!!!
FANTASTIC!! Mazel Tov!! Maya Josephine is so lucky...you guys are going to be awesome parents...pictures are great and SO glad you are in the blog world so I can come visit whenever I want :)
All the best from Jody, Sam, Mystery Baby #2, and I!
The Egel Nest
Mazel Tov, Sharon and Akiva! We are so thrilled for you, and we look forward to more blogs and pictures. We love you guys!! XOXO
I don't know what I'm most excited about, Maya or the blog...
Ahhh who am I kidding? It's the blog! Kidding! Kidding!
Maya is precious and I'm beyond thrilled to be part of her life.
My mom and I decided that we are gonna call her MJ in the immortal honor of our Chicagoland basketball hero! :)
The Egel Nest
Thank you for all of the nice messages. Bradley, it's funny that you decided to call her MJ as that is the nickname we are also using in memory of a good friend.
We are exhausted with this whole parenting gig, but we have a ton of pictures that we hope to sort through and provide an update to all of our blog-viewing friends. Stay tuned.
Congratulations!! and thanks for sharing the lovely pics with me. Maya is really gorgeous~
I am really looking forward for more pictures and blogs.
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